Selecting an EHR is not an easy task. It’s a long term investment that entails a lot of daily use and ongoing problem solving.


       RIGHT EHR: 


Selecting an EHR is not an easy task. It’s a long term investment that entails a lot of daily use and ongoing problem solving.


By Vlad Hurduc

Selecting an EHR is not an easy task. It’s a long term investment that entails a lot of daily use and ongoing problem solving. A good EHR will significantly improve clinic efficiency and profitability, but a bad one will slow down your pace and burden you with unexpected expenses. Choosing the right EHR can be an intimidating prospect, but with the right information you’ll be able to make the right choice.

We’ve been in the trade for over ten years, and have fielded thousands of questions from physicians enquiring about our Urology EHR, so we decided to compile this quick primer using client questions. We’ve divided our evaluation into four categories: Functionality, Usability, Support and Cost. To make the guide brief and efficient we omitted the obligatory ONC certification and HIPAA compliance. Readers are encouraged to ask and familiarize themselves with HIPAA and ONC certification.


The first important factor to consider when purchasing an EHR is functionality. Our analysis found 15 key features in this area. They include the speed and effectiveness with which a doctor can view information without missing anything, visit documentation, test orders, writing prescriptions, communication with referring physicians, and correct coding and same-day billing. Below is the full list of key features, explained. Does the EHR perform the following tasks effectively?

Chart ReviewLists the reason for a patient’s visit, problem list, meds list, test results, and other information without the “noise” of too much data
Quick DocumentationDocuments the visit and the process of decision-making quickly time wasted in the process
Presence of AlertsIdentifies clinical issues by means of alerts and reminders
Decision SupportHelps you to make clinical decisions based on support from specific knowledge references
ePrescriptionePrescribes and transmits scripts and refills to pharmacies electronically
ICD-10Dual codes automatically, using built-in crosswalks
OrdersEfficiently orders labs, imaging, and other investigations
Visit NotesCommunicates electronically with referring providers Exchanges information with patients and limits patient communications to clinically relevant information
BillingAutomatically matches ICD and CPT codes to the patient’s visit data and helps with E&M coding to ensure compliance
Reduce DenialsImproves collections and reduces the burden of denials and rebilling
ComplianceAssists providers to automatically comply with payer rules and with privacy, consent and HIPPA
Registry and RecallHas the ability to add patients to a registry or to a recall list for efficient follow-up
Visual ReviewDisplays pieces of data in longitudinal arrays for easy review and graphing
ReportingIs able to query the database to produce both individual and group reports on clinical and financial issues
InterfaceInterfaces information with labs and hospitals via electronic orders and results
Smart Learning SystemSoftware that improves with usage; it learns where data and alerts are organized based on user utilization. It “learns” the user.



The next key factor is usability. Below is a list of five usability elements, ranging from navigation to minimal cognitive load. Does the EHR do all or some of these?

Input MethodsInputs information using a variety of methods like keyboard, mouse, pen, and speech software
CustomizationCustomizes the sequence tasks, and screens to suit personal work flow
Ease of LearningQuickly learns the menu categories, graphics, icons, and symbols so time is not wasted in recalling functionality
IntegrationSeamlessly integrates with other systems where needed (payers, clearing houses and others)
Accessibility and MobilityThe EHR system can be accessed remotely, and can be used on mobile devices to chart, view histories, document visits, and capture charges



Another important category to consider is support. How easily can providers, office managers, and other clinical staff get help when problems arise? We found the following three points to be the most critical.

Quickly accessibleHelps with questions quickly
UpgradesMakes software upgrades available as needed
US BasedCustomers can easily explain any issue and understand the response



Finally, the issue of cost cannot be overlooked. Does the product offer good quality at an affordable price?

AffordabilityIs the software affordably priced? Cloud-based?
Pricing FlexibilityIs there is flexibility in the terms of pricing and payment?
Modular PricingAre you only paying for what you need?
No Hidden CostsNo hidden charges spring up unexpectedly.

Despite the variety of factors to consider, don’t feel intimidated or overwhelmed. With so many great technological innovations in the last few years, we believe that now is better than ever to purchase an EHR. Newer EHR vendors go to great lengths to showcase their EHR software, so it is relatively easy to compare different offerings – you can almost think of EHR vendors as “free” consultants. They are usually very knowledgeable, having presented their product dozens of times, but are also careful not to overwhelm you with too much information at once. You can cross-check your information with them and be on your way to choosing the right EHR for your unique needs.

Find out how our intuitive, easily customizable EHR can seamlessly integrate into your ideal workflow.

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Easy, affordable and completely customizable, InPracSys EHR was built with your practice in mind.

InPracSys Billing

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Meaningful Use

Find out how you can embed Meaningful Use 2 into your workflow with InPracSys.